Tuesday, June 10, 2008

We're open to your views too. Seriously!

Believe it or not the title is the truth -- we do care -- honestly! And to prove it we have decided to go ahead and open the blog up to comments like a real blog. After all without you people we wouldn't exist (ok, so we would still exist, we would just direct ourselves towards a different sport, but we love our British hockey and we love you all too).

It gets boring blogging on a one way street but we know you're out there, we read the forums and so we've decided to make your voice heard. You know we like the feedback, for good or ill and we want you all to engage in a bit of light hearted discussion on whatever we happen to blog about. Rip us, rip each other, rip the article, rip the subject of the article. Or if you really want, praise us -- we promise we don’t get bored of that, nor do we delete it.

So come on, click below . . . Buy the ticket, take the ride.

~Raoul Duke

P.S. Any anonymous tips, photos, suggestions, questions or queries you can direct to me at raoulduke111 AT yahoo.ca


The Squeek said...

I've taken the "comments" virginity!

Keep up the good work guys. I love nothing more than a good ol' blog.

Anonymous said...
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Ricky said...

I'll take sloppy seconds, Squeek!