Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Giants win the Challenge Cup

Holy good shit, were have we been? Did I fall into some time warp that just shit me out in March 2009? The last time I wrote on here was sometime in September 2008. I had to check on that to be sure, and check again. I cannot believe how fast time has went this season and how much hockey has been played. I think the reason is that I have been so stunned over the last three to four months at the severe lack of controversy across the league that my hands couldn't function long enough to string two words together.

Until today of course.

Controversy is all around the fans of the Belfast Giants. The fucking hypocrites. For years now they have treated the Challenge Cup as Manchester United treat the League Cup -- as a waste of time, man hours, money, with too much risk of injury to their hero's . . . Until they win the dam thing.

Ah, on St. Patrick's day of all days as well. The Giants fans took to winning a trophy they cared not if their team entered a year or two ago with such passion that the crowds spilled over onto the streets and St. Patrick's day became a bi-product of what was really being celebrated on 17 March.

I was on the streets in Belfast yesterday, I was in Dundonald last night. I was wearing a Green leprechaun hat and proceeded to get chased by raving lunatics as I made my way out of Dundonald, through East Belfast and into the city. What was that all about?

Something to do with dressing like a leprechaun in a loyalist part of town you might say?

Absolutely not. Not in this day and age. No those chasing me were wearing teal and white jerseys with Finn McCool on the badge. These were Giants fans reacting to a question I put to them on my way out of the game...

"Why are you celebrating winning this cup you called pointless just a few years ago?"

I got away from them however and took shelter in the more passive and more orderly, but still not orderly streets of the Holy Land area of the city.