Thursday, April 24, 2008

It's oh... so quiet...shhhhh....shhhhhh

ZZZZZzzzzzzz, ZZZZZZZZzzzzzz,

*prod prod*

ZZZZZZZzzzzzz, ZZZZZZZzzzzzz


*cough* *splutter* Huh? What? Huh? Oh.. sorry, I dosed off there.

Yes things have gone awfully quiet on the old EIHL front.. I know that the Panthers have decided they are above the law, while, Reservoir Dogs reject, Mr Black is watching too much of the Apprentice, or reading Roman Abramovich’s auto biography, with his hiring and firing.

Mike Ellis has been the most successful Panthers coach since the turn of the century, winning two trophies in two seasons, so OF COURSE he should be fired you petty fools! He’s both too big for his boots AND bringing too much happiness to the folk of Nottingham.

In a city where gun crime is at an all time high, firing someone can mean an all matter of different things, but where will Mr Ellis (whose career path is naïvely misjudged, having now been successful with the Bees AND the Panthers… idiot) disappear too… The Plough has it on decent authority (not great.. just decent), that Mike will follow the bread crumb trail left from the NIC by his predecessor Mr Adey and travel to the Italian League. A league where being successful, and winning trophies is seen as a GOOD thing…?!

Those Italians and their crazy views on life eh!

Right, I’m off back to sleep.

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